Privacy Policy

At Ourivesaria Figueira we guarantee the confidentiality of all data provided by our customers, the collection and processing of personal data is in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the European Council, of April 27, 2016, relating the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and their free movement (GDPR-General Data Protection Regulation). We only ask for personal data that is essential for the operation of the store and the delivery of orders.

The omission or lack of accuracy of the data is the responsibility of the customer and may result in the cancellation of the order by Ourivesaria Figueira. The customer may, at any time, and without additional charges, rectify and update their personal data. Ourivesaria Figueira is not responsible for any possible leakage of information resulting from the lack of security on the internet network. Ourivesaria Figueira will not sell or share its database with third parties. Ourivesaria Figueira does not store data relating to payments made, such as debit or credit card details.

Cookies Policy

Our online store uses cookies. Cookies are small text files with relevant information that are stored on your computer by browsers in order to recognize you as a repeat user. They are a reliable mechanism created to store user preferences and/or usage data, personalizing their experience. Cookies do not harm your computer or device. Ourivesaria Figueira uses the following cookies:

· Session cookies: they are temporary and remain on file in the browser until you leave the website, used to analyze traffic patterns and provide a better browsing experience;

· Permanent cookies: they are stored at the browser level and are used whenever the user makes a new visit to the website, allowing navigation to be directed to the user's interests; · Third-party cookies (Google, Facebook, etc.).

Cookies are not essential for using the website, so you can reject them and/or delete the cookies saved on your computer.


The Customer agrees to receive any and all communications and/or notifications related to the Ourivesaria Figueira Online Store, to their address, contact telephone number and/or email, indicated in the order process.

At any time, you can request not to receive these communications and/or notifications through your personal area.

Dispute Resolution In the event of a dispute, the consumer can resort to an alternative consumer dispute resolution entity, such as the Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center of the Autonomous Region of Madeira (CACCRAM), with headquarters at Rua Direita nº 27 – 1st floor, 9050-450 Funchal, with telephone 291 215 070 and email For more information, see the Consumer portal at

Applicable law

All purchases made at are subject to Portuguese legislation. Any conflict or divergence of interpretation of the General Terms and Conditions of Use will be submitted to the competent Portuguese court, including transactions made outside Portugal.


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